Linc LIC

step of

Thank you for applying to Linc LIC.
This online process is secure and all submissions are encrypted for your protection. Please enter all requested information and click "Continue...."

Personal Information
Applicant Type:
Federal Tax ID:
Rep. Title:
First Name:
Last Name:
Social Security #:  
Use a different I.D.
Date of Birth:
Daytime Phone Number
Mobile Phone
This field is required. Type:
Email Address:
  Include my spouse.
  Include my dependents.
First Name:
Last Name:
Social Security #:  
Use a different I.D.
Date of Birth:
Email Address:
First Name Last Name Date of Birth
 Add Another Dependent
Current Address
Street Address:
City, State: ,
Zip Code: The address you entered does not appear to be valid. See suggestions
Landlord Name:

Enter self if you own(ed) the home.

Landlord Phone:

Area code is required.

Landlord Fax:
Landlord Email:

Enter none if not applicable.

Date you moved in:
  Move-Out Date: 
Own or Rent:
Reason for Leaving Address:This field is required.
Prior Address (Address 999)
Street Address:
City, State: ,
Zip Code: The address you entered does not appear to be valid. See suggestions
Landlord Name:

Enter self if you own(ed) the home.

Landlord Phone:

Area code is required.

Landlord Fax:
Landlord Email:

Enter none if not applicable.

Date you moved in:
  Move-Out Date: 
Own or Rent:
Reason for Leaving Address:This field is required.
Own or Rent:
Reason for Leaving Address:This field is required.
Additional Questions
Work Phone #:
Other name(s):Within the last 10 years.
Press "Enter" after each.
Guarantor relationship:
Additional Occupants:
List names and birthdates of all additional occupants 18 or older. (one person per line)
Status of Applicant:This field is required.
Saving Account Bank Information
Bank Name:
Account Number:
Name on Account:
Checking Account Bank Information
Bank Name:
Account Number:
Name on Account:
CPA or Attorney
Business CPA or Accountant:
Contact Name:
Contact Phone:
Emergency Contact
Name:This field is required.
Address:This field is required.
Relationship:This field is required.
Phone #:This field is required.
Background Information
Have you ever been charged with a crime?
This field is required.
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy?
This field is required.
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?
This field is required.
Have you ever broken a lease to an apartment?
This field is required.
Do you have any outstanding judgments?
This field is required.
Other Information
Have you ever rented from Rockrose?
Please provide any additional information that you
believe will assist us in evaluating your stability as
a prospective tenant. This includes but is not limited
to facts that reflect your character as well as activities
or events that may impact the Owner's decision to
rent to you in a negative manner, such as allegations
of professional or other misconduct in violation of
law or adverse legal determinations.
**Permitted weight up to 50 pounds (fully grown) - maximum permitted: 1 dog or 2 cats. **
Mar 2025
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
Application Summary